Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where was Jesus crucified?

One day i was in my thoughts, and suddenly a random thought came in. Where is the exact spot where Christ was crucified? I went to check on the net for pictures of it and maybe one day i may visit the spot. These are what i found. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem contains many holy artifacts and revered sites all in one. They include the rock where Jesus was crucified on (Golgotha's rock), the site where Jesus was laid called the stone of unction or the stone of anointing (where his body was prepared for burial), and his tomb as well (where on the third day the stone covering his tomb was moved by angels)

Below are photos of the Golgotha's rock where Christ was crucified upon

The rock can be viewed under glass on either side of the central altar, and the site of the Crucifixion can be touched under the central altar.

Crack in Calvary, said to be the one caused by the earthquake that occurred at the Crucifixion
Next the place where Christ's body was laid and prepared for the burial
Mosaic depicting the anointing of Christ's body after the Crucifixion, on the outer wall of the Catholicon behind the Stone of Unction.
View of the edicule from above. This boxy chapel dates from the 19th century and replaces earlier freestanding structures on this site. The small dome is above the Tomb of Christ.
Sunlight streams in the dome over the Tomb of Christ in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Painting of the edicule as it appeared in 1891. In the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
Entrance to the edicule, which contains the tomb of Christ.
The first of two small rooms inside the edicule, known as the Chapel of the Angels. This altar contains a stone believed to be part of the large stone that was rolled away from Christ's tomb on Easter morning. The archway in the back leads to the Tomb of Christ itself.
The holiest site in Christianity: the tomb of Christ inside the edicule of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. This slab is believed to be where Jesus' body was laid in the tomb. The vase of candles marks the place where his head was. The banner behind it varies with the liturgical seasons: this one is after Easter and says "Christ is Risen."

Please click the link below for the photo tour around The Church of Holy Sepulchre

Note: There is also another alleged site where Christ's tomb was and its called the Garden Tombs and is favored by Protestants to be the actual site of Christ's tomb outside the city walls.

Next, The Church of Nativity, where the spot for Christ's birth is hold.

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